Every morning Harrison wakes up in wonder. Sometimes I have to help him find Pulpe so he's not late for school!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Harrison woke up this morning with Pulpe flying around in the air. Somehow that little elf created a swing hanging from the ceiling fan.
So how's your Christmas shopping coming along. I have the best idea for Ryan's present but I can't blog about it b/c that would ruin the surprise. It's a great gift for a guy or gal. Email me if you're needing an idea :)
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Real Santa
Every year I purchase or receive a new Santa Claus to add to my collection. Today I overheard a conversation Harrison was having with the Santas.
H holding up two Santas . . .
H: No, I'm the real Santa. No, I'm the REAL Santa. Well, I have gloves. Well, I have a long beard.A snowman walks up . . .
H: I'm a policeman, what's going on here?
That silly elf has been making cookies and this heart was for Harrison. However, he wouldn't eat it because it had an elf bite out of it!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Elf on the Shelf
Have you heard of The Elf on the Shelf? We're fortunate enough to have one move in with us for this holiday season. Harrison named him "Pulpe".
This morning, Harrison found Pulpe playing Candyland with his and Waverly's stuffed animals. H noticed Elfie (nickname) won the game. Where will he be tomorrow . . .
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lucy and Santa
Waverly and Lucy were able to meet Santa for the first time during a fundraiser for CARE (which rescues abandoned dogs and cats facing euthanasia as well as providing programs to help people get their pets sterilized). I can't help but laugh every time I look at this image.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Miss Chewy
If it's in reach, it's in her mouth. Oh little Waverly, we're going to block Harrison's room from you.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sneak Peak & Harrisonism
Here's a sneak peak of the Christmas card idea. Last week, I took Harrison with me to Target in search for holiday clothes for him and Waverly. Well, he spotted the baby santa outfits and insisted Waverly and him will be Mr and Mrs Claus.
More Harrisonism -
We were discussing the Christmas photo idea . . .
H: Mama, this outfit doesn't come with a beard. I need a beard.
Me: Okay, maybe we can make one. What should we make it out of? (I'm thinking cotton balls)
H: Ohhh, I need a silk beard!
As we were walking into the grocery store, there was an overweight lady texting . . .
H: Look Mama, she has a santa belly!
Luckily, she was too busy and didn't hear him!
Ryan and Harrison were about to build a castle out of blocks when H said:
H: This castle needs lots of closets. It's not a proper castle without closets.
We were admiring a colorful sculpture and discussing the material:
Me: I don't think it is made of tiles, it looks like glass.
H: You're right, panes of glass.
Maybe he'll be a writer when he grows up . . . he certainly has plenty of material.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Natural Wreath
Here's another Pinterest project to mark off my list. Hmm, I thinking of add a little bit of color to it . . . or maybe I'll keep it al la naturale.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Monthly Playdate
Babies, babies and more babies! Our group grew to fourteen this month, ranging from 3 weeks to 6 months. Waverly is on the far left sporting her hog hat.
All of us met each other during the Aqua Moms swim class. Sara, who hosted the gathering, created these awesome burp cloths for us. She enlisted my help for the logo design. I look forward to these gatherings each month!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.

Has anyone read this? I just finished the other night and it was quite fascinating. It's been forever since I've watched Breakfast at Tiffany's so I had to refresh my memory. Did you know she was a glorified call girl? And Truman Capote desperately wanted Marilyn Monroe for the part? Hubert de Givenchy (love pronouncing that name) gave birth to the little black dress for the world to admire and wear.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Website Wednesday - Murfie
I heard about Murfie on the Story of the Day podcast. Click HERE to learn more about the world's largest new and used CD store. It's an online platform that allows people to buy and sell music CDs, store physical discs in a secure facility and access rips and downloads via an online account. It's free to sell the CDs you have at home (they'll send you a mail-in kit). Then they will post the discs to your account and the ones you price get listed in a personal shop. You can purchase entire albums for a buck! If this doesn't make sense, just check out the website.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Textile Designer
Remember this dress? Click HERE to the tiny Waverly in it. I can't believe we captured this picture with her looking up. She's mesmerized with fabrics, especially ones with designs.
Ahh, the big girl bed is up! This is my bargain metal headboard. I'll take more pictures of her room once it's complete.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Close Up
I'll lay Waverly on the bed and walk around the room doing my business while talking to her. She always follows me around with her eyes.
I love her little heart shaped face.
This is her "ohhh" face. She doesn't make too many noise just an occasional "ohhh" or "ahhh."
Now Harrison, on the other hand, has quite a few things to say.
We've seen this face a lot lately. It's his mad/serious/silly/funny expression.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
W's Name Sign
I get a lot of project inspiration from Pinterest. Here's my latest project. I found these letters at Hobby Lobby. Normally they are $0.99 but I managed to get them half off. I also picked out this scrap booking paper which was also on sale. I think it was only a quarter!
I have a confession . . . I think my brain still isn't back to it's normal size from the pregnancy. When I got home I realized I forgot to buy the letter "L"!
I traced the letters (minus one) and then cut them out.
I found some bronze/gold paint for the edges. It was around two bucks.
I pasted the scrapbook paper letters on the chipboard letters. I've had this part finished for awhile. I finally found time to purchase the "L" so I could finish this project.
Ta Da! I used sticky tack to place them on her dresser. I still haven't figured out what I'm going to put on the top spot. Any ideas?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Art of Handwriting
I'm so proud of my little man. This is the first time he's written his name! I had to explain some letters (a "r" is a hook with a stem) but he wrote it all. I asked if he would do it again and he said his name was TOO LONG.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Sleeping Beauties
If you look closely in the mirror you'll see Waverly is passed out too. Same position. Ahh siblings :)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Cat Has Claws
This picture could be really scary but it's only Lucy yawning. Isn't that funny?
Poor Lucy. She gets no respect. Good thing Harrison is in school during the week so she can rest!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Website Wednesday - IKEA
Raise your hands if you like IKEA. Click HERE to browse the website. Granted I would much rather go to the store but the closest one is around 5 hours away. However, I was able to send my wish list with Ryan.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Autumn Love
Have I mentioned, I heart autumn? I love the colors, smells, decorations, football, halloween, thanksgiving, just the feeling in the air. Look closely at the leaf and you'll see my heart.
Monday, November 7, 2011
4 Months!
Guess who's 4 months today?!!! She's an extremely happy and content little lady. We all love her to pieces. She's mastering scooting backwards. I'll lay her on a blanket and before I know she's wiggling around the hardwood floors. Reminds me of a fish out of water. She's grabbing at toys and starting to lift her chest off the ground. Her favorite activity is watching big brother and pretending to catch him around the house.
Miss Waverly had her 4 month check up today and wow, this girl is TALL! She's 26 inches (97%), 13 lbs. (37%) and head 15.5 inches (11%). She's grown 7 inches in 4 months! I have a feeling she'll be the tallest one in the family :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ripping it UP
Waverly's new favorite hobby is ripping up magazines. Harrison decided to join in on the fun today.
She found and tore out a picture of Justin Timberlake. I'm not sure if she wants to hang him on the wall or can't stand him. Either way, I think I might need to get her a Teen Beat subscription for Christmas :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Nana and W
I was on the road for work today so Waverly was fortunate enough to hang out with her grandmother and great-grandmother. Nana and Waverly could spend all day in their pajamas rocking in the recliner.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Website Wednesday - Obrien & Schridde Designs
Click HERE to gawk at the gorgeous frames from Obrien and Schridde Designs. Each frame is handmade by the husband and wife duo.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Trick or Treating
Here's a pic from last night before we started our Trick or Treating adventure. This is the first year Harrison has fully understood that Halloween means candy. After awhile, he decided his bag was too heavy and he was ready to go home to bed. He didn't get this for me. When I was little, I would run from house to house until we covered the entire neighborhood and I had blisters on my feet.
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