Monday, March 8, 2010

Meet The Neighbors

Here's my view from the front porch of House A (left) and House B (right). About a month or two ago, House B was complaining to us about House A's dog. Side note, this is the first time she's talked to us and we were getting into the car at the time. Apparently, every morning the dog comes over and poops in House B's yard. She said her husband purchased some treatment for the grass to prevent this. So for that week the dog used their sidewalk instead. It wouldn't be an issue if the pet owner picked up the droppings but she doesn't so I see the husband and wife of House B cleaning up after it. I told her to say something to the neighbor.

I think she believes the neighbor will realize and it will stop but it's been going on for months now. I was tempted to go over there and tell House A but Ryan thought I should stay out of it. What do you think? Would you say something?


Kerrie said...

I 100% agree with Ryan.

Aly said...

I agree with Ryan too. It sounds like a problem. But not YOUR problem.

lab said...

think ryan is right-dont get in the middle. just watch everyday for the clean up. she will wish she had said something 1st day. this just drags it out and makes me think she likes to scoop poop.

Amelio said...

so just curious what happened?