Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Panic Food

It's panic time, the BIG snow storm is coming into our state tomorrow! We're preparing by making chocolate chip cookies. Harrison can't resist sampling a few chips.

On a different subject, every night before bed, H insists on a story. It's really pushing our creative levels into overdrive. Tonight was Ryan's turn. He was holding H in the cradle position when an airplane entered the story. Ryan started "flying" H around the room. Most kids would be pretty excited about this but H said "Dada, lay me down so I can concentrate on the story!"


lab said...

have often wondered how my grandsons always manage to get chocolate in such a perfect circle around the outside of their lips. (h does have a small drool line.)

Jon said...

Ha! ...not sure if you like raw chocolate chip cookie dough, but I have a recipe to make it without eggs. I'm pretty stoked about it! I have to have raw cookie dough every time I go home...