Sunday, November 29, 2009

Such Junk

Check out this pile of junk that was in our crawl space! We're adding insulation and had to remove it before they could get started. The pile includes a Christmas tree, garland, two furnaces, a sweatshirt, a gigantically heavy piece of cast iron pipe, plastic planter, ceramic planters, wire, parts of a blower motor, wire fence, a wooden folding table, glass jars, beer cans, cooking pots and pans, and my favorite - a red plastic dashboard! There may be more but there are only 10 hours of daylight.


Ryan said...

That was UNDER the house. The things inside... (shudder)

laura said...

you can add several hideous shriveled tail-bearing creatures now, I believe

jesse said...

that's very very dirty

lab said...

i would never have discovered this because i would never have gone there. ignorance can be bliss.