Monday, August 16, 2010


When your child is quiet, it's time to check up on him. Here's what happened today:

Me: Harrison, Harrison, where are you?
(don't hear him, searching through the house, found him in the laundry room with Lucy)

Me: What are you doing?

H: Tators

Me: What?

H: Tators

At this point, he gives Lucy tators and looks at me.

H: Tators

Me: Okay, carry on.

For those who are not familiar with the terminology, see above.


lab said...

harrison is up on the language. i knew about the gesture, but not that it was tators. hummm

Melissa Bruning said...

Ahh, is the visual for me.

Kensho Studio said...

too cute! I was not up on this term either!
