Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Discharge Your Static

As I was filling up the tank today, I noticed this warning sign. First, I think the graphic is pretty funny with the lighting bolt striking the stick arm. Then I decided to read the instructions for discharging your static electricity. Apparently if a fire does start, you're to back away and tell the attendant. I don't know about you but I would get the heck outta there and call 911.

Is it just me or do you stop and read random warnings, labels, etc. I always read my shampoo/conditioner bottles (several times) or boxes of cereal. I check out the fonts, spacing, design, choice of words, wonder how long it took them to decide "luxurious" was the perfect word. On a side note, I used my niece's Shampoo For Long Hair . . . yes, I was a rebel that day.

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