Monday, October 3, 2011

Alpha Rocks

The other day, I feared I would find all these projects on Pinterest and then never do any of them. SO this week I'm tackling a few of them. First up is Alpha Rocks! I found this bag of rocks at the Dollar Tree for . . . you guessed it! A dollar!

This marker is from Hobby Lobby ($1.99), which I found in the scrap booking section. 

Here's the whole alphabet in rocks. I figured it will be a fun way for Harrison to spell words and learn his alphabet. Not to mention, I think they look pretty cool.

Dontcha just love mason jars?! I'm thinking about writing words on the other side of the rocks so Harrison can form sentences (someday). 


Sara Drew said...

I'm so doing this!

lab said...

i like that idea. let harrison pick some of the words.