Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thoughts by Harrison

I'm not sure what Harrison was thinking when he snapped this pic. Maybe he was trying to capture himself kicking the pumpkin?

Here's our conversation last night:

H: Mama, I have something to tell you.

Me: Okay. What is it?

H: I have a hypothesis about the rocket ship playground.

Me: Okay, tell me. (In my head, I was wondering where he heard hypothesis)

H: Kids just can't go to the top because it's bolted down.

Another recent dialogue:

H: Mama, there's a ladybug poking my inside body parts!

Me: Did you swallow one?

H: No, it just crawled in.

1 comment:

lab said...

that boy never forgets anything said. but he will forget where he put stuff--got that from me i suppose.