Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Family of Three

This will probably be our last family photo of three! Harrison insisted on squeezing into the baby's car seat. Tonight the boys baked cupcakes to bring to the hospital for the nurses and visitors to celebrate the Birth Day of the bambino (or bambina). I'm not sure if Harrison is more excited about the cupcakes or being a big brother ;) 

The gender poll revealed 2/3 think it's a girl and 1/3 goes to boy! We'll find out soon enough . . .


Kensho Studio said...

This is a lovely family picture. I love that Harrison is in the car seat ... too cute! I'll be thinking of you and I hope all goes well! Can't wait to see your next post!

lab said...

what a wonderful, beautiful family. i am so proud of the choices my children made.