Thursday, October 6, 2011


Kids say the darndest things! I never know what's going to come out of his mouth. Here's a few recent examples:

I thought H was picking a scab on his nose so I said . . .
Me: Harrison, are you picking again?
H: These boogers just won't stay in that's why I am pulling them out.

H was telling me about a boy in his class who just had a birthday . . .
H: "X" (I'm protecting the innocent) is SOOO big. It makes me really sad. He needs to go in the class with the bigger kids. Will you tell my teachers?

One morning after about an hour and a half of non-stop talking . . .
H: I've had enough talking!
(this lasted about a minute)

Ryan drove my car to pick up H from school . . .
Teacher: Harrison, your mama is here. No wait, it's your dad.
H: You just don't know my family.
(Luckily, his teacher told me he just makes her day)

Ryan and H had made a super cool fort above his cousin's bed. They were laying there for awhile when H finally spoke . . .
H: (Sigh) . . . This is the life.


lab said...

looks like harrison is having a rough thursday, bet a little tent time would cheer him up.

Ange said...

He's going to be too smart for all of us pretty soon.